Released on = October 25, 2006, 7:31 am
Press Release Author = Pro Wealth Solutions
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Pro Wealth Solutions is a Brand New company that launched on Sept 15,2006 and there is already over 15,000 members. They have a goal to help a million people build successful home based business with their unique system. This program is run by the same folks as the very successful Pro Builder Plus.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 10/10/2006
5 WAYS TO CREATE RESIDUAL INCOME Create your own PRO WEALTH SOLUTIONS! Multiple streams of income for yourself. Excellent power line and 3 x 6 matrix. 5 ways to create residual income. Take a FREE tour - Learn Extremely important information that will benefit yourself financially while helping others with the POWER Knowledge of Pro Wealth Success
Peoria, Illinois - 10/10/06
The intro statement should read like a story and begin to answer who, what, when, why, and how. DON\'T pitch your website here. At the first \"whiff\" of a pitch people are going to be turned off from your release.
Instead of pitching you should continue to \"tease\" the reader into wanting to find out more information by visiting your website.
You can start with a quotation or a statement that gets attention. It should speak to a hot-button that the media can quickly begin to picture for a story... or give other readers an intriguing story so they want to learn more about you on your website.
Expand on your intro statement.
You can include quotes or a statements here to add news value. Statistics are also useful, but should be simple and to the point.
A Tip or Topic List
Examples For A Tip List Include:
- 7 Quick and Easy Ways To Lose Weight - 10 Ways To Stay Hydrated During Hot Days - 5 Ways To Have Your Kids Stay Safe This Halloween
Examples For A Topic List Include:
- There are 3 different reasons people fail with diets - There are 10 causes of tooth decay - There are 7 reasons parents fail when raising their child
For the topics you would expound on each one and tell what you are.
These topic and tip lists should give a taste of what else you have to offer. Make it short and sweet with the purpose of leading the reader to want to contact you or visit your website and buy.
Summary or Concluding Sentence
This is where you should mention your website and explain how it will help the public.
Explain the background or bio regarding your release
Example: Dr. John Smart studies the effects of tooth decay and publishes his results in a free monthly electronic magazine entitled, \"Tooth Decay Chronicles.\"
Call on the media to contact you
Contact Hazel Jones for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (555) 555-5555 Email: Jonesgang5@insightbb.com Other helpful information regarding the can be found at: http://www.YourWebsite.com.
Important Note: It is important to include the website URL that you want ranked at least 1 time in your body and at least twice for the entire release.
For More Information Contact:
Hazel Jones Jonesgang5@insightbb.com Pro Wealth Success
Web Site = http://HazelJones.ProWealthSuccess.com
Contact Details = Hazel Jones
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